happy model clasping her hair looking over her shoulder smiling.

125 Body Image Affirmations to Boost Your Confidence

In a world where societal standards and media portrayals often influence our perception of our bodies, it’s crucial to cultivate a positive and loving relationship with ourselves. One powerful tool on this journey towards self-acceptance and body positivity is the use of positive affirmations.

Do positive affirmations help body image?

There is growing evidence that positive affirmations can help improve your body image. One study used religious affirmations about body positivity and found that those who used affirmations felt better about their looks than those who didn’t. Other studies have shown that positive affirmations can boost overall confidence, further supporting the benefits of using positive affirmations..

How to use these body image affirmations

Use these affirmations regularly to cultivate a positive and loving relationship with your body. Remember that self-acceptance and body positivity are ongoing practices, and these affirmations can support your journey toward greater self-love. 

You can bookmark this page to give yourself a little boost any time you are feeling down about your body, or you can write your favorites down on sticky notes and stick them to your mirror to remind you of how beautiful your body is anytime you see your reflection.

125 body acceptance affirmations

  1. I love and accept my body unconditionally.
  2. My body is a beautiful and unique work of art.
  3. I am grateful for the strength and resilience of my body.
  4. I embrace my imperfections; they make me unique.
  5. I radiate confidence and self-assurance from within.
  6. I deserve to treat my body with kindness and respect.
  7. My body is deserving of love and care at every size.
  8. I am more than my physical appearance; my worth goes beyond looks.
  9. I nourish my body with healthy choices because I love myself.
  10. I release negative thoughts about my body and replace them with positivity.
  11. I am comfortable and confident in my own skin.
  12. My body allows me to experience life’s incredible adventures.
  13. I honor my body’s needs and listen to its signals.
  14. I am at peace with my body, and it is at peace with me.
  15. I celebrate the uniqueness of my body with gratitude.
  16. My body is a temple, and I treat it with love and care.
  17. I am worthy of self-love, self-acceptance, and self-compassion.
  18. I choose to see the beauty in myself and others.
  19. Every day, I grow more comfortable and confident in my body.
  20. I am grateful for my body’s ability to heal and adapt.
  21. I celebrate the uniqueness of my body and honor its differences.
  22. My body is a vessel for love, joy, and positive energy.
  23. I am worthy of love and acceptance, just as I am.
  24. I am in control of my thoughts, and I choose self-love.
  25. I let go of comparison and focus on my own journey.
  26. My body is a source of strength and resilience.
  27. I embrace the beauty of diversity in all bodies.
  28. I release the need for external validation; I validate myself.
  29. My body is a source of pleasure and sensuality.
  30. I am confident and comfortable in my own body.
  31. I am more than my appearance; I am a whole person.
  32. I treat myself with kindness, gentleness, and compassion.
  33. My worth is not determined by my size or shape.
  34. I am grateful for the lessons my body has taught me.
  35. I am at peace with my body, mind, and soul.
  36. I choose self-acceptance over self-criticism.
  37. I radiate positivity, and it positively impacts my well-being.
  38. I am free from the burden of unrealistic beauty standards.
  39. I am on a journey of self-love, and I am making progress every day.
  40. I am grateful for my body’s wisdom and intuition.
  41. My body is a beautiful expression of who I am.
  42. I choose self-love and self-acceptance in every moment.
  43. I honor my body’s need for rest, nourishment, and movement.
  44. I am deserving of love, respect, and admiration from myself.
  45. My self-worth is not tied to anyone else’s opinion of my body.
  46. I release the need to judge myself based on external standards.
  47. My body is a source of joy and pleasure.
  48. I appreciate the remarkable journey my body has taken me on.
  49. I choose to see beauty in diversity, including my own body.
  50. I let go of negative self-talk and embrace positive affirmations.
  51. I celebrate the love and support my body provides me.
  52. I am the author of my own body image story, and I choose positivity.
  53. I treat my body as a cherished friend, with love and compassion.
  54. I acknowledge and release any past judgments I held about my body.
  55. My body is a gift, and I treat it as such.
  56. I am on a path of self-discovery and self-acceptance.
  57. I am a unique and valuable individual, inside and out.
  58. I am confident that I am growing in love and appreciation for my body each day.
  59. I am worthy of self-care and self-compassion.
  60. I embrace my body with gratitude and love.
  61. My body’s uniqueness is a source of strength and beauty.
  62. I release any shame or guilt I may have about my body.
  63. I am free from the constraints of society’s beauty standards.
  64. My body is a reflection of my journey and experiences.
  65. I choose to focus on the qualities that make me shine from within.
  66. I am at peace with my body’s natural fluctuations.
  67. My body is the perfect vessel for my soul’s journey.
  68. I am more than my physical appearance; I am a radiant soul.
  69. I accept compliments graciously, knowing I am deserving of them.
  70. I radiate confidence and self-assuredness in all that I do.
  71. I attract positivity and love into my life with my self-image.
  72. I trust my body to guide me towards health and well-being.
  73. My body is a source of joy, love, and creativity.
  74. I choose self-love over self-criticism, always.
  75. I am grateful for the opportunity to experience life through my body.
  76. I am a beacon of self-acceptance and self-love for others.
  77. I choose to see the beauty in every part of myself.
  78. My body is unique, and I cherish its individuality.
  79. I am on a journey of self-love, and I accept my body as it is today.
  80. I release the need for external validation of my body.
  81. My body is a vessel of self-expression and self-love.
  82. I am at peace with my body’s natural shape and size.
  83. I choose to see beauty in all the different aspects of my body.
  84. I am grateful for the lessons my body has taught me about strength and resilience.
  85. I let go of the past and embrace the present moment with self-acceptance.
  86. I am confident and comfortable in my body, no matter its size or shape.
  87. I treat my body with the same kindness and respect that I offer to others.
  88. I focus on what my body can do rather than what it looks like.
  89. I replace negative self-talk with loving and positive affirmations.
  90. My self-worth is not determined by my appearance; it comes from within.
  91. I celebrate my body’s ability to adapt and change.
  92. I choose self-love over comparison with others.
  93. I am deserving of love, respect, and kindness from myself.
  94. My body is beautiful because it is a reflection of my inner beauty.
  95. I release any shame or guilt I may have held about my body.
  96. I embrace the freedom that comes with self-acceptance.
  97. I am a beacon of body positivity and self-acceptance for myself and others.
  98. I am grateful for the unique qualities that make me who I am.
  99. My body deserves love and appreciation just as it is.
  100. I choose to see the beauty in my body’s imperfections.
  101. I release any negative judgments I hold about my body.
  102. I trust my body to guide me on the path to health and happiness.
  103. I am free from the burden of societal beauty standards.
  104. My worth is not tied to the number on a scale or the size of my clothing.
  105. I honor my body’s signals and nourish it with care.
  106. I let go of comparison and embrace my own unique journey.
  107. I treat myself with kindness, gentleness, and respect.
  108. I celebrate the miracles my body performs every day.
  109. I am a beautiful and valuable person, inside and out.
  110. My body is a canvas, and I choose to paint it with love.
  111. I am on a journey of self-discovery, and I embrace it with open arms.
  112. I am grateful for the gift of my body and the experiences it allows me to have.
  113. My body is a reflection of my unique essence and should be celebrated as such.
  114. I release any negative judgments I have held about my body and embrace self-compassion.
  115. I choose to see my body through the lens of love and acceptance.
  116. My body is a source of wisdom, and I trust its signals.
  117. I am deserving of love, respect, and kindness from myself and others.
  118. I let go of the need for perfection and embrace my beautiful imperfections.
  119. My worth is not determined by my appearance; it comes from my heart and soul.
  120. I am confident in my body’s ability to heal and thrive.
  121. I treat my body with the care and respect it deserves.
  122. I focus on what my body can do and the joy it brings me.
  123. I celebrate the diversity of bodies and respect the uniqueness of my own.
  124. I am beautiful and valuable, regardless of external standards.
  125. I am committed to nurturing a positive and loving relationship with my body every day.

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